My Story
"So what's your story?"
It's a question I'm used to. Born in poverty in South Korea, not a lot of women like me end up an Orthodox Jewish rebbetzin in Baltimore, MD!
Along the way I passed through Virginia, New Jersey, and Israel as well, picking up pieces of who I am in every place. God has a plan for everyone - and for me, it was never that hard to see Him making it happen!
From being abandoned in a hotel at age 1 to being adopted by a white family in the US, converting to Judaism (twice), attending seminary and graduate school in Israel and meeting my husband in a Jerusalem hotel - it's been (and continues to be) an amazing, Divine journey.
You can read more about that journey in Horizons Magazine (April 2009), Mishpacha Magazine (July 2021), and at Jew in the City. Or, bring me in as a speaker to hear the whole story live!
Through her words and personal example, Chana inspires others to live their best lives.
NS, Baltimore, MD
Here are some topics I've spoken about:
My journey from South Korean orphan to American giyores
Running a Jewish home
Finding a shidduch (minus the stress)
Parenting perspectives
Shalom Bayis
Anger, Emotions, and You
Got another topic in mind? Ask me!​