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Need an Inspiring Speaker?

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I can't deny that I've got an interesting story. It runs from South Korea through Virginia, Jerusalem, and a few other stops along the way. I've done a lot of soul-searching in my life, and I have what I think are some interesting insights to share from these journeys internal and external.


Looking for an interesting and inspiring speaker for your school, shul, group, or organization? I'd love to bring a new perspective to your event, whether a small n'shei gathering or a large shabbaton!

Through her words and personal example, Chana inspires others to live their best lives.

NS, Baltimore, MD

Here are some topics I've spoken about:

  • My journey from South Korean orphan to American giyores

  • Running a Jewish home

  • Finding a shidduch (minus the stress)

  • Parenting perspectives

  • Shalom Bayis

  • Anger, Emotions, and You


Got another topic in mind? Ask me!​


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